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API Interface

API Interface

What is an API Resource Document and how do you use it?

The API documentation (opens in a new tab) describes how to use nstproxy's API commands, which are used for automating control, managing accounts, specific channels or products, and configuring proxies.

API commands are typically used in code scripts, and nstproxy's API supports various programming languages such as shell, Node.js, Java, C#, VB, PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl, etc.

For example, if you want to integrate nstproxy with an automated scraping tool that uses proxies, you can use the API whitelist IP command to achieve this purpose.

You can find all available options for controlling your account in the API documentation, including channel allocation/proxy deletion, billing information, and bandwidth information.

How to obtain a token

Please go to Profile to get your token (opens in a new tab)